cjdb CLI#
This is the documentation of the cjdb cli. It can be used to import and export city.jsonl files to PostgreSQL.
- -v, --version#
Get the current version
Export a CityJSONL schema to a file.
Example for exporting all the objects in a schema:
cjdb export -H localhost -U myusername -d mydb -s myschema -p 5432 -o result.jsonl
Example for exporting a specific object in a schema:
cjdb export -H localhost -U myusername -d mydb -s myschema -p 5432 -o result.jsonl -q “SELECT 1 as id”
cjdb export [OPTIONS]
- -q, --query <query>#
SQL query with the ids of the objects to be exported.
- -H, --host <host>#
PostgreSQL database host
- -p, --port <port>#
PostgreSQL database port
- -U, --user <user>#
PostgreSQL database user name
- --password <password>#
PostgreSQL database user password
- -d, --database <database>#
Required PostgreSQL database name
- -s, --schema <schema>#
PostgreSQL database schema name
- -o, --output <output>#
Name of the output file. Default name: ‘cj_export.city.json’
Import CityJSONL files to a PostgreSQL database. Example of cli command:
cjdb import -H localhost -U myusername -p 5433 -d mydb -s myschema -f “/path/to/file.jsonl”
cjdb import [OPTIONS]
- -f, --filepath <filepath>#
Path to a CityJSONL file or a directory with CityJSONL files. If no path is specified, STDIN will be used.
- -H, --host <host>#
PostgreSQL database host
- -p, --port <port>#
PostgreSQL database port
- -U, --user <user>#
Required PostgreSQL database user name
- --password <password>#
PostgreSQL database user password
- -d, --database <database>#
Required PostgreSQL database name
- -s, --schema <schema>#
PostgreSQL database schema name
- -I, --srid <input_srid>#
If no SRID is defined in the metadata of the file, use this flag to define a SRID for the geometries. If an SRID is defined in the metadata, this flag will overwrite it.
- -x, --attr-index <indexed_attributes>#
CityObject attribute to be indexed using a btree index. Can be specified multiple times, for each attribute once.
- -px, --partial-attr-index <partial_indexed_attributes>#
CityObject attribute to be indexed using a btree partial index. Can be specified multiple times, for each attribute once. This index indexes on a condition ‘where {{ATTR_NAME}} is not null’. This means that it saves space and improves query performance when the attribute is not present for all imported CityObjects.
- -g, --ignore-repeated-file#
Ignore repeated file names warning when importing. By default, the importer will send out warnings if a specific file has already been imported.
- --overwrite#
If the file has been imported before, delete all associated objects with this filename and reimport all objects in the file.
- --transform#
Transform input geometries to the CRS of the existing schema