cjdb CLI#

This is the documentation of the cjdb cli. It can be used to import and export city.jsonl files to PostgreSQL.




-v, --version#

Get the current version


Export a CityJSONL schema to a file.

Example for exporting all the objects in a schema:

cjdb export -H localhost -U myusername -d mydb -s myschema -p 5432 -o result.jsonl

Example for exporting a specific object in a schema:

cjdb export -H localhost -U myusername -d mydb -s myschema -p 5432 -o result.jsonl -q “SELECT 1 as id”

cjdb export [OPTIONS]


-q, --query <query>#

SQL query with the ids of the objects to be exported.

-H, --host <host>#

PostgreSQL database host

-p, --port <port>#

PostgreSQL database port

-U, --user <user>#

PostgreSQL database user name

-P, --password <password>#

PostgreSQL database user password

-d, --database <database>#

Required PostgreSQL database name

-s, --schema <schema>#

PostgreSQL database schema name

-o, --output <output>#

Name of the output file. Default name: ‘cj_export.city.json’

Environment variables


Provide a default for --password


Import CityJSONL files to a PostgreSQL database. Example of cli command:

cjdb import -H localhost -U myusername -p 5433 -d mydb -s myschema -f “/path/to/file.jsonl”

cjdb import [OPTIONS]


-f, --filepath <filepath>#

Path to a CityJSONL file or a directory with CityJSONL files. If no path is specified, STDIN will be used.

-H, --host <host>#

PostgreSQL database host

-p, --port <port>#

PostgreSQL database port

-U, --user <user>#

Required PostgreSQL database user name

-P, --password <password>#

PostgreSQL database user password

-d, --database <database>#

Required PostgreSQL database name

-s, --schema <schema>#

PostgreSQL database schema name

-I, --srid <input_srid>#

If no SRID is defined in the metadata of the file, use this flag to define a SRID for the geometries. If an SRID is defined in the metadata, this flag will overwrite it.

-x, --attr-index <indexed_attributes>#

CityObject attribute to be indexed using a btree index. Can be specified multiple times, for each attribute once.

-px, --partial-attr-index <partial_indexed_attributes>#

CityObject attribute to be indexed using a btree partial index. Can be specified multiple times, for each attribute once. This index indexes on a condition ‘where {{ATTR_NAME}} is not null’. This means that it saves space and improves query performance when the attribute is not present for all imported CityObjects.

-g, --ignore-repeated-file#

Ignore repeated file names warning when importing. By default, the importer will send out warnings if a specific file has already been imported.


If the file has been imported before, delete all associated objects with this filename and reimport all objects in the file.


Transform input geometries to the CRS of the existing schema


Cluster the tables post import. Clustering can significantly improve query speed but it is also time consuming. You should do it only after large imports during periods of low database activity.

Environment variables


Provide a default for --password